Can Martin Mundt “walk on water”?

synchronizedsleepwalking-300According to the latest review of Synchronized Sleepwalking he can!  Mallory Heart Reviews wrote of Mundt’s third and most recent collection:

“After I read John Everson’s introduction to this collection, I was almost convinced Martin Mundt might walk on water. After reading Mr. Mundt’s stories, I am convinced of this truth: these stories are change agents. Every blessed one. I am not the reader who began at the beginning and read all the way through. I am different–enlightened, expanded, my imagination stretched to unaccustomed possibilities. In a sense, I’ve undergone a sort of personal apocalypse–and survived.”

The Cat After Dark blog also reviewed the book, and called it “the most unique, most original set of short stories I have ever read! Was that redundant? Let me rephrase that to get my point across. Martin Mundt’s writing is so fresh, it slaps you in the face with each story you read.”

Get your copy of Synchronized Sleepwalking — conveniently packaged in both dead tree paperback and elegant e-book formats, on today!



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